Cost-per-Sale (CPS)

What is Cost-Per-Sale (CPS)?

CPS is a digital advertisement formula operating in the same space as Cost-per-Mille (CPM) or Cost-per-Click (CPC). Where we differ is as the name implies, entirely committed to sales. This means payment for advertisements will only occur when sales happen.

Humans do all the work...

Result-obligation for humans does not work as it exceeds their limitations resulting in burnouts.  Thus we use automation bots to achieve success much like Google and Facebook. If you advertise online with a click-through ratio (CTR) averaging 3.5% worldwide means 96.5% of the marketing budget is directly lost. In other words, for every 100 euros spent, only 3.5 euros worth of advertisements were effective, and even that does not guarantee a sale.

Additionally, there is a serious sizable industry in click fraud and it is not even certain that Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is a reliable metric anymore.  The fact that there are multiple companies fighting click fraud shows how big the problem is.

Nevertheless, with traditional online advertising, you are down hundreds of euros and you still haven’t seen anything in return yet.

Let's Robots to do work..

With CPS we reverse the situation. The automation bots become result-obligated and the intended results are achieved. Our intent is that CPS will be available in every major digital ads marketplace alongside the existing options of CPM & CPC. Achieving sales automated!


CPS integrates with existing advertisement options such as CPM and CPC in the bigger advertisement ecosystems of for example Google Adwords & Facebook Ads and becomes available for creatives, arts, freelancers, foundations, crowdfunders, and entrepreneurs with small businesses to fully automate the selling process and get (consistent) cashflow in. The parties involved only have to pay a % over any successful financial conversion i.e. purchase..

Our goal

Proving its not necessary to spend money in order to make money

Target Audience

CPS is targeted specifically at groups notorious for being unable to be profitable. Think of starters, freelancers, artistic people, small companies with a revenue of <100.000 euro annually, as well as foundations and associations. By letting automation bots search for warm leads and convert them into paying customers makes digital advertising useful again, free from digital dangers and stress.

Moreover, it allows for entrepreneurship and activities to be conducted anywhere in the world. Geographical and political struggles will have no negative influence on the economic well-being of humans.

Current status

At the moment CPS is on-hold. We are looking for a co-founder team that is willing to develop CPS. Aside from that, donations for preliminary development are welcome as well.

Why us?

Because there is no tool out there that does what we do.


More information

Cost-Per-Sale | News

Cost-Per-Sale | Explained



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.